Information About Jowar Farming in India with Harvesting

Jowar is cultivated for food grains and green fodder. Farmer brothers use the whole plant of jowar as fodder for animals, but it is used as food for making khichdi and chapati. Its cultivation can be done at any place; an irrigated and unirrigated area does not have any effect on its crop. The length of its plants is 10 to 12 feet, which you can harvest several times for green fodder.
In the protein found in jowar, the amount of lysine amino acid is found in 1.4 to 2.4 per cent, and due to the high amount of leucine amino acid in the grains, pellagra type disease can be seen in people who eat jowar. A good crop of jowar is obtained in areas with high rainfall. Farmers are also earning more profit by cultivating jowar commercially. And for that they have to use more farming equipment like rotavator, transplanter and more. All the farming implements are economical as the rotavator price is also reasonable for farmers.
Cultivate Jowar
The land and temperature for jowar cultivation so that you can earn profit by doing good farming, which is described as follows:-
Jowar crop can be grown on any land. But to get more production, do farming in clay soil with proper drainage—the P.H. of the land in its cultivation. It is cultivated along with the Kharif crop. During that summer season, good yield can be obtained by irrigation in the proper amount.
Its plants require average rainfall. Jowar seeds germinate properly at normal temperature, and they need 25 to 30 degrees at the time of plant development. Its plants can tolerate a maximum temperature of 45 degrees only.
Land Preparation & Fertiliser
Before growing the jowar crop, prepare the field properly. For this, the area is first profoundly ploughed. After ploughing, 10 carts of old cow dung manure has to be applied per hectare in the field. Plough the domain immediately after using waste and mix the manure well in the soil. After this, the area is pulverised by applying water. After ploughing, when the ground becomes dry, use a rotavator and tractor plough in the field. Due to this, the soil becomes friable, and then the area is levelled with a pat as a chemical fertiliser in the jowar field, and tractor plough price is also affordable for farmers. If the crop has been done for green fodder, then after harvesting, spray 20 to 25 kg of urea in the area.
Method of Transplanting
Planting of jowar seeds is done through a source. The drill and spraying method is used for sowing the seeds. About 12 to 15 K.G. seeds are required in a one-hectare field, but 30 K.G. seeds are required for transplanting done for green fodder. The seeds are treated with an appropriate amount of Carbendazim before sowing.
After this, if you want to plant the seeds by a spraying method, then sprinkle the seeds in the field and apply a cultivator and do light ploughing. Due to this, the source goes to some depth in the ground. After this, put a light pat and run it, so the seed mixes well in the soil. Then, in the drill method, the seeds must be planted in rows. A distance of one foot is kept between each row, and the seeds have to be produced at a distance of 5 cm at 3 to 4 cm depth. This allows the seeds to germinate properly. Since the Jowar crop is done along with the Kharif crop, seeds should be sown from April to the end of May.
Regular irrigation is suitable for the jowar crop. Plants need more water in the cultivation done for green fodder. During this, the plants must be watered at 4 to 5 days intervals.
Weed Control
To get a good yield, it is necessary to control weeds in the crop. For this, both chemical and natural methods can be used. In a chemical process, a proper amount of atrazine must be sprayed immediately after sowing seeds. The weeding is done in a natural method. For this, the first hoeing is done 20 to 25 days after sowing the seeds. After this, weeding the field only when needed.
Harvesting & Yields
Jowar plants are ready for harvesting after 110 days. Harvest the plants when the leaves on the plants start to appear dry. Its crop can be harvested two to three times. Jowar plants are gathered near the surface of the land. After harvesting, the grains are separated, and they are appropriately dried. Then divide the grains through the machine.
One hectare field yields 600 to 700 quintals of green fodder and 100 to 150 quintals of dry grass. Out of which up to 25 quintals of jowar grains are available.
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