Is It Possible For Ulcers To Bring On Diarrhea?

It’s a bad thing when the juices your body produces to aid in digestion, such as stomach bile and others, reflux back up into your esophagus. If that weren’t bad enough, think about how unpleasant it is when stomach acid starts burning an ulcer you have.
Diarrhea can be brought on by an ulcer, though the ulcer itself is not the culprit. Someone with an ulcer might feel like a million bucks for a little while if they eat four cans of refried beans and wash it down with twelve vodka sodas, but they’ll soon be experiencing explosive bowel movements. And their ulcer has nothing to do with it. Ulcers can develop for a variety of reasons, including emotional distress, lack of sleep, gastrointestinal illness, nutritional deficiency, and food allergy.
The connection to diarrhea, however, is more likely to be the result of another intestinal health issue that is slowly developing an ulcer (or ulcers). Some people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) develop ulcers in the stomach or intestine as a result of their conditions, which can hinder digestion. The ulcers are increasing the frequency and severity of diarrhea that may result from this. Is it possible, then, that ulcers bring about diarrhea? If they do, it’s because of something more serious going on with your digestive system as a whole.
It Is Crucial To Maintain A Healthy Lining
Those who don’t experience the same levels of stomachache and bloating likely have a healthy mucosal barrier throughout their digestive tract. Most people who have IBD, acid reflux, or ulcers start out with the same good gastrointestinal health as everyone else, but their conditions worsen over time for various reasons. It is important to note that not all ulcers are the same and that these internal wounds are not limited to the digestive system. In this case, diarrhea is caused by a peptic or duodenal ulcer.
We’ve always been wary of coming across as preachy on this blog, but it’s safe to assume that most readers already know they should avoid tobacco and consume alcohol in moderation if they choose to partake. Chronic heavy drinking and smoking both have negative effects on the gut microbiome, which can exacerbate the symptoms of ulcers and lead to diarrhea. Beans, vodka, and sodas were mentioned facetiously earlier; obviously, no one would actually do such a thing, and even if they did, they likely wouldn’t feel particularly healthy.
Substitutes for aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are another concern. Consuming an excessive amount of Tylenol or Aspirin can also have a negative impact on digestion, and those who suffer from ulcers may not realize that their symptoms, such as diarrhea, are worsening because of atrophic gastritis. So, atrophic gastritis does not exacerbate the pain of ulcers, but it can make the ulcers more unbearable.
Exercise Caution When Using Antacid Medications
Taking one of the many available medications for acid reflux, or GERD may help you avoid developing an ulcer. We bring up over-the-counter antacid medications like Zantac, Prilosec, and others in this context because they are effective in preventing heartburn and acid reflux but may increase the risk of diarrhea in some people.
People with ulcers who take these medications to keep stomach acid from entering the esophagus may believe the ulcer causes loose stools. It’s highly unlikely that the ulcer itself is the cause of diarrhea here; rather, it’s the antacid medication.
To Conclude
Although ulcers do not directly cause diarrhea, the condition can get worse if the patient also has IBS or other factors that make it worse. To answer then, if it is possible that ulcers bring about diarrhea, no, they can’t. At least they can’t do it on their own.
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