How to Fix a YouTube Black Screen Issue?

Youtube is one of the finest platform where you can watch movies, videos for free of cost but recently people are facing issues with YouTube. Sometimes youtube black screen is occurring for the users because of which you are not able to use the you tube.
If you are also one of the best users who are facing this error then you are at the right place where we are going to tell you about this error and why is my youtube screen black and how you can fix this error on your device.
So, without any error let us begin with knowing about how you can fix this problem for you and know more about this problem.
Youtube video shows a black screen – Know how to solve it
Youtube black screen often occurs while you are playing videos and it has no fixed time and can occur anytime in front of you.
Here are some of the reasons and solutions because of which you might be getting the black screen error –
Network problems – The internet connection might be weak and unstable which can prevent you from loading the youtube videos which you want thoroughly, thus youtube video show the black screen of the video but you will be able to hear the video.
So, if you wish to solve it then you need to check your connection or you can also shift to a new network connection to solve it.
Browser problems – If you are accessing you tube on your computer, then if you are not able to access you tube, there might be some issues with your browser either it is corrupt or it might be out of date.
So, you have to update the browser of your device or you can also clear the cache or cookies of your browser as well so that the issues with the browser can be fixed.
Logging issues – Sometimes, there can be problems with your Google account, so in order to fix this problem for you and to know how to fix youtube black screen on phone you need to first log out of your Google account and then you have to log into it again and fix the issue with YouTube error.
Live streaming issues – Often users are not able to watch the live videos and black screen appears in front of you because of which you are not able to see the video but you can hear the voice.
If this is the case with you then can try to download the video which you want and see if the black screen is occurring for you not.
We believe that the information which has been offered to you in this blog has been quite helpful for you and you were able to solve the problem with YouTube for you.
Ityug247 is a website which will offer you with more information regarding YouTube so if you wish to find this information then you can access the site on your device.
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