5 Tips To Remove Paint From Tiles And Grout

Painting is a messy process that can ruin your floors and furniture with just a few drops of errant paint. When painting, furniture may be readily covered and moved, but tile and grout are a different story.
Even the most fastidious painter occasionally misses a drop of paint. Working with old paint stains requires a little more effort than working with fresh paint stains. To remove paint from your tiles and grout, you can employ a variety of techniques. The best procedure for removal depends on the degree and tenacity of the paint you wish to remove.
How to remove paint spills
Scrape with a razor
Holding a razor blade at a 45-degree angle to the stain, scrape with short strokes. Wipe the area down with a moist cloth as you scrape it to remove the flakes. You can use a commercial paint remover if the tiles are delicate and you are concerned about damaging them with a razor blade. Apply the solution with a soft cloth to the affected region, then wait a few minutes for it to work. The dried paint will become softer, as a result, making it simpler to wipe off.
Heat and scrape
Work in a small area at a time—about one square foot. In order to prevent scorching a spot, move the heat gun back and forth often while heating the tiles. Continue until the paint feels tacky and soft. Remove paint from the tile by holding the plastic scraper at a 45-degree angle.
Use a clean, wet rag to periodically wipe the surface clean. Repeat the process until all of the paint has been removed. If you live in a rented house, the paint splatters might cause your landlord to hold back your bond money. Hire a bond cleaning company to make sure such spills are cleaned up.
Use vinegar
To make a natural paint remover, combine equal parts of water and white vinegar. Heated the vinegar solution until it boils, then use a clean cloth to apply the solution to the paint stain. The paint should start to release from the tile as the hot vinegar softens it. Use a gentle brush to remove the paint from the tile. While working, keep the vinegar solution warm. Use warm water to rinse the tiles before wiping them dry.
Use a commercial paint remover
Mop the tiles well and let them dry. Spot test a commercial paint remover with a clean cloth on a tile’s hidden corner. Apply it to the paint spots and gently scrape at them after making sure there won’t be any damage.
To remove extra paint remover, follow the cleaning instructions on the package. If no instructions are provided, moisten a different cloth with warm water and scrub the area clean. Scrub the tile with a wet, soft-bristled brush.
Use nail polish remover
Acetone, found in nail polish removers, is effective in removing oil-based paints. After scraping off the dried paint, gently dab a small amount of nail polish remover onto the tile. You would be able to notice the dried paint softening after leaving it for 5 to 10 minutes.
You can rub the tile with acetone-based nail paint remover once the majority of the paint has been removed. Any paint residue will be completely cleaned this way. Rinse off the residue with water.