Elizabeth Purchell who has programmed a series

Elizabeth Purchell who has programmed a series on the documentaries of Rosa von Praunheim, sees Pride Month as a chance to discover, and uncover, the past.
Elizabeth Purchell who has programmed a series on the documentaries of Rosa von Praunheim, sees Pride Month as a chance to discover. Rachel Walker, who has programmed a series on the 20th century Danish movie director, Rosa von Praunheim, sees her inspiration for this project as discovering, and uncovering, the past.
The Danish filmmaker was an icon of the silent era. With a distinctive visual style and a sense of humor that rose above the studio system in Denmark to become a cultural force. She is probably best known for her three films in which she spent most of her career: “The Scarlet Chamber” (1913), “The Blue Angel” (1920) and “Dance Me to the End of Love” (1932).
Walker’s series is called Rosa von Praunheim: The Silent Era and will be aired on BBC Four at 9pm on Monday 25 April 2015. There are two parts. The first part explores how Carnaby Street was literally made up of houses that were built for people with disabilities; it is one of the few places in London where these houses can still be seen today. The second part looks at how films from this era were different from other films which had been produced before them; they did not have actors in front of cameras; nor did they require special effects or music to create their atmosphere.
For von Praunheim, the past is key to understanding the present, and vice versa.
Rosa von Praunheim is a German filmmaker and screenwriter, born in Köln in 1947. She studied literature, but in 1967 she moved to the United States, where she was awarded a New York State Teaching Fellowship at Columbia University. She worked as a critical essayist on American cinema while living there and developing her work as a filmmaker.
Rosa von Praunheim’s films explore the complexity of human identity through the lives of women—from their early experiences in a patriarchal society to their later attempts to occupy marginalized spaces.
She has made several documentaries and has written for television and film. Most recently, her feature length film The House of Curiosities from 2012 was nominated for an international silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival.
In order to commemorate Pride Month, Purchell has curated a series of von Praunheim’s documentaries that explore LGBTQ+ history.
Rosa von Praunheim was a German painter and documentary filmmaker who, like many of her generation, found that the Nazi Party of Adolf Hitler was a threat to her artistic career in Germany. She fled to Paris in 1933 and continued making documentaries until her death in 2010.
For Purchell, “Pride Month” is an opportunity to reflect on the past and the present; as well as to celebrate the many achievements of the LGBTQ+ community.
Purchell has curated a series on von Praunheim’s documentaries: “The Quiet Years: A World Without Love” (1936-1939), “The Only Way Is Up” (1945-1948), “The People I Have Come To Know” (1951-1960) and “Loving Vincent: A True Story of an Extraordinary Friendship” (2001-2003). It is currently available for free online viewing at TheNewPornProducers.com.
Elizabeth Purchell who has programmed a series on the documentaries of Rosa von Praunheim
Rosa von Praunheim is a German-American film director who, along with her husband, Werner Herzog, produced many of the most memorable documentaries of the past 50 years. Under her guidance and direction, they made some of the world’s first and best nonfiction films, including “The White Diamond” (1970), “Imitation of Life” (1982), “The Unknown Singer” (1986), and “The Wind (1961)”.
Her 2017 documentary “Honoré de Balzac: The Man Who Was French” was nominated for an Oscar.
Her next project will be a series titled “My Porn Buddy“.
Elizabeth Purchell who has programmed a series on the documentaries of Rosa von Praunheim.
Introducing Elizabeth Purchell and her programming of Rosa von Praunheim documentaries.
Rosa von Praunheim is a German-born Swiss photographer and filmmaker who was one of the first to document the political and social movements of the early 20th century. She focuses on individuals, their lives and their stories that come to be known as the “Pride Movement”. She also documented the conflicts, conflicts, conflicts.
As an all-time favorite artist, I am always very pleased when someone does something with Rosa von Praunheim. One of my favorites is her documentary “Pride: The Story of a Movement”; which can be recalled from an interview she had with Extreme Visuals magazine in 2004: http://www.extremevisualsmagazine.com/interviews/interview_pride_the_story_of_a_movement_.htm
I would like to share with you some of my favorite photos taken during this documentary and other films by Rosa von Praunheim (as well as some other films by this amazing photographer). I am sure that you will find them beautiful!
The Story of a Movement is a film that follows the development and movement of the “Pride Parade” that took place in London in July 1988 to celebrate Pride Month and raise awareness about gay rights. In this thirty-five minute film; Rosa von Praunheim documents these people’s lives from their early days as children until today; how they buy together by a shared belief in gay rights; how they experienced prejudice; they overcome it; how they continue to fight for equality within themselves and around them; they support by those around them who have gone before them so that they may go on to lead others into gay pride.”
She has produced many other films including “The Homosexual History Project”; “The Homosexual History Project 2”; “I Will Remember You”; “Gays Before God”; “Gay Sex in 18th Century Germany”, “The Homosexual Revolution: A History”; and many more!
Exploring why Pride Month is a perfect opportunity to discover and uncover the past.
My porn buddy. This is a series I’m creating with the help of my friend Elizabeth Purcell; who is a brilliant and talented photographer from San Francisco. I’m currently in the midst of this amazing assignment and she captures some incredible imagery.
I hope you enjoy it!
Showing how Purchell’s programming features different documentaries that offer unique perspectives on Rosa von Praunheim.
Rosa von Praunheim was an Austrian zoologist and botanist, whose work primarily focused on herpetology. She is best known for her work documenting the lives of the South American land iguanas; but she also studied other reptiles, insects, fishes and amphibians. She is one of very few scientists who has been a member of two scientific societies; the Society for the Study of Amphibians in South America (SSA) and the Royal Society of British Theologists.
Von Praunheim also worked as a zoologist, botanist and entomologist. She was a member of several scientific societies including the SSA; Royal Society of British Theologists and São Paulo Zoological Association (SPZA).
One important aspect about her discoveries is that she saw them as part of evolutionary processes in nature rather than as mere curiosities to be studied by humans. Purchell’s series explores how this perspective can have a positive impact on our culture’s understanding of nature; with its many contradictions .
Highlighting some of the most interesting aspects of von Praunheim’s work that we explore in Purchell’s programming.
Elizabeth Purchell, who has programmed a series on the documentaries of Rosa von Praunheim is releasing an introduction to the documentary film “Gods and Monsters” tomorrow, January 9th.
“Gods and Monsters”, which focuses on Nazi occultist Aleister Crowley, will show at 7:00pm EST/6:00pm PST. Vom Praunheim’s work has been an inspiration to many filmmakers, artists and photographers. “She was a genuinely great person,” says director Michael Barker. He was just one of a few people who knew she was von Praunheim. The two met in London when Barker was studying photography and Von Praunheim was researching her book on Crowley. He didn’t know anything about her until he set up a meeting with her in New York City.